[[ACCOUNTS]] address = "rZapJ1PZ297QAEXRGu3SZkAiwXbA7BNoe" network = "main" desc = "ZRP Issuer" [[ACCOUNTS]] address = "rBeistBLWtUskF2YzzSwMSM2tgsK7ZD7ME" network = "main" desc = "Zerpmon NFT Issuer" [[ACCOUNTS]] address = "rEQQ8tTnJm4ECbPv71K9syrHrTJTv6DX3T" network = "main" desc = "Zerpmon Equipment Issuer" [[ACCOUNTS]] address = "rXuRpzTATAm3BNzWNRLmzGwkwJDrHy6Jy" network = "main" desc = "Zerpmon Trainers Issuer" [[ISSUERS]] address = " rZapJ1PZ297QAEXRGu3SZkAiwXbA7BNoe" name = "ZRP" [[TOKENS]] issuer = "rZapJ1PZ297QAEXRGu3SZkAiwXbA7BNoe" currency = "ZRP" name = "ZRP" desc = "$ZRP is the native asset of the Zerpmon ecosystem. It is used to buy, sell, and trade Zerpmon NFTs and in-game items." icon = "https://app.zerpmon.world/images/brands/zrp-logo-green.svg" [[TOKENS.WEBLINKS]] url = "https://zerpmon.com" type = "website" title = "Zerpmon Information" [[TOKENS.WEBLINKS]] url = "https://app.zerpmon.world" type = "website" title = "Zerpmon Game App" [[TOKENS.WEBLINKS]] url = "https://x.com/zerpmon" type = "socialmedia" title = "Zerpmon on X.com" [[CURRENCIES]] code = "ZRP" issuer = "rZapJ1PZ297QAEXRGu3SZkAiwXbA7BNoe" network = "main" display_decimals = 2 [[PRINCIPALS]] name = "Zerpmon" email = "mark@zerpmon.world" x = "zerpmon" [[VALIDATORS]] public_key = "nHUinfdpmtfXsMUnoSoBeZ93mTwDkPkA2gmCiQTyEi1c1Ybx6unE" attestation = "0999D5F82CD2F6D3FE0FC46D391D9A4213278CAF69CE38172A15CE49A7EA78644344633D4AE4DEAFF6229044BC130230BB3265FEBAFF68BFC2A02AFA4F1CFB03" network = "main" owner_country = "AU" server_country = "FI"